Makefiles to build SPOOLES, ARPACK and CalculiX
A python script that outputs a Salome mesh to Calculix using unical converter for Bernhardi, Aug 2011
Ubuntu package calculix ccx 2.9-1 [universe]
Calculix ccx2.9 built with msys2/mingw64
64-bit Microsoft Windows build of CalculiX 2.9
Обновился Calculix Launcher
Calculix bugfix
В Yahoo-группе Клаус пишет, что исправил ошибку в cgx: Dear cgx users, a bug was reported. I fixed the code and we placed an updated version of cgx_2.10 on the server. If you start cgx w/o arguments it shows the version 2.10.1. The source code and the binary is updated. Regards, Klaus Wittig
CalculiX 2.10
Вышел CalculiX 2.10 (см. на офсайте) ccx 2.10 собрался в Линуксе легко и сразу и cgx тоже
binaryes of ccx 2.9 for Windows
binaryes here
Compile CGX 2.9 in Ubuntu 15.10
Need apt-get install xorg-dev